V.3, I.1 // Winter 2013
Your Winter 2013 issue includes interviews with musician Josh Ritter, clothing / jewellery labels Muttonhead Collective and Margot & Me, and models at Polish agency Spotmanagement. As always, we also feature gorgeous photo-editorials from photographers around the world. FEATURING: Adam Hammer, Ailera Stone, Aimee Barker, Alice Cappo, Annelaure Pothin, Belinda Muller, Cochi Esse, Cristina Carra Caso, Dave Brown, Elena Vaninetti, Josh Ritter, Krisztina Gat, Marcus McLernon, Margot & Me, Muttonhead Collective, Salvatore Vitale, Silvia Pasquetto, and Spotmanagement.
Published Thursday, February 21, 2013 by Glacier Magazine
106 pages