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You Ought To Be In Pictures - August 2013
Volume 22: You Ought To Be In Pictures - August 2013 Two fairly significant market changes have convinced law firms to take the plunge into video. YouTube, the ubiquitous video channel, was acquired by Google, which means video is now a huge component of search engine optimization, and Facebook has added a video component to the social media game. How can your firm benefit? VIRTUAL IMPRESSION Digging Deeper into Analytics - Google Analytics can do much more than give you broad statistics about how many people visit or link to your site. Learn how you can use some more targeted tools. LAW+TECH Achieving Inbox Zero - Is the burden of too many emails weighing you down? Keep your inbox clean and clear with a little help from an inbox management tool. SEO OBITER DICTA Is Google banning press releases?
Published Monday, August 12, 2013 by BLF Magazine
16 pages